Jenny Kordell

Seriously. Talented.

Tonhya, I have enjoyed every picture that I’ve seen on your blog. Your latest blog (maternity pics) is classical, whimsical and all-around awesome!

Maybe one day we can hire you to take photos of me, the hub and our weiner dogs 🙂

Seriously love this whole post! Beautiful!!


Man, I just love your work! And the lighting was simply awesome, I love seeing all your posts 🙂

Manu Caiafa

Tonhya, I don’t have words to describe what these pictures mean to us. The day of the photo shoot we had a lot of fun. It was so special for Daniel and I that we think that we will never forget it. I loved every single picture with no exception. You really captured beautifully the love and the excitement that we feel for our little girl. I can not stop looking to them. They are more than what I expected!!! I always loved and admired your work but these are my favorites!!! Thanks a lot for sharing your talent!!! I can not wait for the next time!!!


Manu Caiafa


Wow Tonhya! These are stunningly beautiful as always, but you managed to capture fun, love and innocence at the same time! And the fact that you were able to capture those little black bunnies just made it all the more perfect!!! =)

Kolten Sears

These are just SO sweet =) I love your work!

Kelsey Cappelletti

Tonhya! These are BEAUTIFUL!!! I love every one of them 🙂 Just 4 more months and I get to do my pregnancy pics with you, I can’t wait!


parabéns pelas fotos,ficaram maravilhosas!


Obs: sou prima tia da Manu 1

Beautiful job for your first! LOVE these images- you captured them so well 🙂

vovo Coli

Lovely job, Tonhya!
We really liked it! Congratulations!
Clara’s grandmother and aunts Roberta, Celinha,Portella, Lucia


Que trabalho maravilhoso Tonhya! Manu, Dani e Clara estão maravilhosos! Parabéns !! Amei todas as fotos…todos os detalhes! É tão lindo ver esse amor fotografado em lugares tão belos! O amor simples da vida. Amor em cada gesto e em cada olhar! Apaixonei!!!! Beijos Beijos

PS: Sou a cunhada preferida de Manu!!…hehehe


Uau!! Estamos maravilhados!! Que casal mais lindo!!! Quer dizer, que família mais linda!! Estamos com muitas saudades!! Gabi está ansiosa para conhecer a sua priminha-irmã!! Beijos, Lica, Dudu e Gabi! Adoramos vocês!!


What a wonderful job, Tonhya! You’ve made quite a few people cry up here in Brazil… Lorena (Daniel’s sister)

Awesome job Tonhya. Killing it as always my friend.

Ana Lise, Adelina, Tania ,Mamãe e eu(Vitor)

Natureza bela ,Casal mais belo ainda.
Futuramente mais lindo……………………………………..

Aurea Assis Maciel

As fotos ficaram maravilhosas , um trabalho muito bom da fotografa, os lugares escolhidos foram singular. Os angulos escolhidos, os momentos e claro a hora do Click, tudo isto claro para a fotografa. Mas……….uma coisa posso dizer e claro , os modelos ajudaram,,,,Parabens Aurea


Every picture is just flawless! I love the bunny picture. 🙂

marivone rodrigues de assis

y am injoin …loveli wonderfull works these models wonderfulls too

[…] I just had a week ago with this beautiful family. You may remember this adorable couple from this POST. It has been such a blessing to watch their family grow. I can’t wait to share the rest of […]

[…] share this family session I did back in February. You may recognize this adorable couple from their “Expecting” Session. And now I am so happy to introduce little Clara to you all. Watching Manu and Daniel become proud […]

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