wow …amazing as always. i love this so much. i like how she subtly became less covered as the shoot progressed; it kind of gave this a deeper meaning (i.e. letting down walls, baring your soul) …you inspire me. 🙂
ton. i DIE for this. i’ve been waiting for months to see it and it was more than worth the wait. you’re really coming into your own and i want to see a hundred thousand more shoots like this! cheers to rach for being THE BOMB and especially to you for being such an artist. i’m in LOVE. tumbling practially every single one (:
Okay… I’m leaving two comments in a row, darn you… for being such an awesome photographer! Such a rad set! The nudie night ones are f’ing phenomenal!!!
HOLY SHIZA was i in sweden when you posted this?!! i missed it. that one in BW of her back, mid way down is nuts. so many of these are nuts. makes me want to shoot 100% more personal stuff. ahhhh you killed this. shoot more personal work girl. DO it.
i AM going to order a print of that one. first BW one under the one shes in the tank and looking to the right. that’d be SICK on my new frame wall. yesss
Ive been eyeing these shots since you posted them!! and finally gonna try and do something a lit similar!!!! Suppppeeerr Excited!! Thanks again for sharing!!!! Awesome work!
woah. that last frame. like a still frame from woodstock.
LOVE the ones where the colors are dancing around like she is!
Killer shots, I really love the last four.
wow …amazing as always. i love this so much. i like how she subtly became less covered as the shoot progressed; it kind of gave this a deeper meaning (i.e. letting down walls, baring your soul) …you inspire me. 🙂
ton. i DIE for this. i’ve been waiting for months to see it and it was more than worth the wait. you’re really coming into your own and i want to see a hundred thousand more shoots like this! cheers to rach for being THE BOMB and especially to you for being such an artist. i’m in LOVE. tumbling practially every single one (:
Hot Damn! These are superb…
artists need this. shoots just for us. nicely done. great model, love the use of flash in the last few. beautiful.
Thank you for sharing! Beautiful model and Amazing photography.
These are crazy awesome!!
Very beautiful— Good work…!
I want to order a print!
LOVE it Tonhya! Absolutely Beautiful. Especially the black and white night shots.. My personal faves!
third frame down. Great job tonhya!
I seriously love these. It’s the hat
Awesome, just awesome!!
OH MY GOSH!! Fricken AMAZING. that last shot gives me chills… KILLER POST> KILLER IMAGES!!!
Okay… I’m leaving two comments in a row, darn you… for being such an awesome photographer! Such a rad set! The nudie night ones are f’ing phenomenal!!!
HOLY SHIZA was i in sweden when you posted this?!! i missed it. that one in BW of her back, mid way down is nuts. so many of these are nuts. makes me want to shoot 100% more personal stuff. ahhhh you killed this. shoot more personal work girl. DO it.
i AM going to order a print of that one. first BW one under the one shes in the tank and looking to the right. that’d be SICK on my new frame wall. yesss
Didn’t see this until now, these are love seriously.
Ive been eyeing these shots since you posted them!! and finally gonna try and do something a lit similar!!!! Suppppeeerr Excited!! Thanks again for sharing!!!! Awesome work!
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