Wow. These are incredible. I love those smiles. 🙂


Wow Tonhya, these are incredible images. I’m so glad you had the opportunity to take that trip, it looks like it was truly life changing.


And I cried. Finally this is here. You have a smile that is unique to these photos, to your family in Africa, and I love seeing it. So proud of you. Love seeing these faces that I’ve heard stories about.

oh man, what beautiful children

I saw this link show up on my Facebook newsfeed, and I immediately came over to see the images. I traveled to Thailand in January of 2011 and felt much the same as you described after you returned home. Such heart wrenching, beauty in trips like these. These photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Emma Kepley

Oh my gosh. My favorite is the picture of the kids in the school desks and all the natural light pouring through….swooning…you are amazing and have such a beautiful and loving heart that i simply admire.

Sarah Park

Love the photos Tonhya! It is so refreshing to see! I don’t think anyone will mind they are not wedding photos, it all boils down to the same thing anyway…it’s all about capturing the HEART – how we love & live life to connect with others & build relationships!! Makes me miss & also remember my time in Africa last year as well. Thank you for that & sharing your experience with us – can’t wait to see part 2 =)


These photos explain life in Africa to a T. I have traveled to Johannesburg, South Africa before I even began photography. You really captured everything about the people and the struggles that these young kids go through on a daily basis. It really does put many things into perspective when you take a walk in there footsteps.

Andria Lindquist

i still cant believe you went. i remember you talking about the opp driving down somewhere on 99. I’m so proud of you – not to mention these images are incredible. the color is unreal. those 4 portraits in a 4 squares of those boys are awesome.


Amazing! Worth the wait

Amanda Tedeschi

Brought me to tears. So much emotion and passion felt behind all your photos. Love them all. Thank you so much for sharing your heart!


These are so beautiful. In every way.

these are really beautiful, tonhya! i feel like i was there with you. what an amazing experience this must have been. can’t wait to see the rest!

So so so amazing – these images provoke emotions and that is the best possible thing ever. Thank you for sharing a part of this trip and God’s grace. Also, thanks for turning me on to Envision Culture – without you I wouldn’t be headed out of the country in a few weeks! FOR REALS!!

Can’t wait to see more from the trip as the posts reveal themselves.

My second time today looking through these… So much heart and soul. Thanks for sharing, T. 🙂

Ali M

My heart is pierced by those big eyes.. : ) Glad you shared!

Thank you thank you thank you. These are so happy and beautiful. I’m so happy you went to Africa. And that you have this amazing talent and ability to share the story of these beautiful people. You’re amazing. xo


Which country in Africa did you visit? Africa is so big, with so many countries…… I notice it is a French speaking country, so perhaps one of the West African countries? Will you be visiting the other countries in Africa? Or just this one country?


thank you for sharing! 🙂


A very gifted young lady in many ways!

jane robertson

A very gifted young lady in many ways. very proud of you.


Tonhya, I LOOOOVE seeing your Africa photos…. they make me SOOO happy that you had the opportunity to travel over there and experience all this! Please don’t ever apologize for sharing such an amazing adventure with us, we love it, and you!! Keep on keeping on!

[…] June of 2011 my friend Tonhya traveled to Africa on her own photography mission trip, serving local hospitals and the like. […]

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