Amber Z

LOVE! You know how excited I am about this girl! I wish I could’ve seen you… it was crazy down there. 🙂 Praise Him!


What an amazing experience for you Tonhya! So glad your family was there to share that experience with you, and that God gave you the courage and desire to be baptised in front of all those people! =)

Baptism is THE BEST! Congrats on your commitment and renewed spirit 🙂

Mandee Romero

Awesome. 🙂

WOW! Congratulations, what an amazing experience!! Being baptized is such an incredible feeling, you feel close to God more than ever and so elated! Congrats!

Kelsey Cappelletti

My heart is so full just reading this post! I love you so much! Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you but so excited for you!


Wow, congratulations Tonhya! That’s SO awesome that your family was there to see you get baptized, that must have been wonderful =) What an awesome picture too!

awesome. awesome. awesome.


This is so exciting 🙂 Tonhya I am so excited for you! Praise the Lord.


I love you sissy! This was the most memorable Easter to date. It was a perfect weekend. We’re so happy that we all got to be together and be there to support you. The Spirit was at work in all of us and your outward actions were a beautiful testament to it. You are beautiful.

yay! congrats tonhya!!

so thrilled about what He’s doing in you.

jennifer Etters

WOW…first off you are an amazing photographer and if I lived any closer I would love to be photographed by you. Second… amazing is this that you have shown us. Thank you for being so bold and showing the world your faith. You are an inspiration. I am a photographer myself but no where near are great as you are. Again thank you for what you show us!!!

This is so wonderful Tonhya!

SO FREAKING PROUD OF YOU GIRL! Way to take that public step of faith!

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