{For those of you who usually skip all my blah blah blah’s and go straight to my photos…please take this one day to read my exciting announcement! 🙂 Thank you.}
Today is the day! The day I was born 23 years ago…holy crap. It’s hard to believe that so many years have gone by. I feel like just yesterday that I was trying my hardest to just color in the lines so that I could receive a gold star on my paper! From such a young age, that is what was always taught to me…Tonhya, just “color in the lines.” Meaning…do what is expected of you. My parents learned aloooong time ago that I probably was never going to be the child that colored in the lines. I was always getting into trouble, always pushing boundaries, basically…there were a lot of years that I was a little rebel child who did as she pleased. Note to the parentals: I’m sorry! : )
About a year and a half ago I was saved. Saved from a life that was leading me nowhere but trouble. God pulled me from every bad situation and told me to follow Him rather than create my own destructive path for myself. Every since then, life has changed dramatically. Has it been an easier road? Of course not…but I would not change it for the world. God has shown me my faults with a loving touch and has challenged me to grow in areas of my life that were once shadowed by guilt. I’m finally at a place in my life where I understand my purpose here on earth. I’m here to love people. Plain and simple. God has given me this gift of photography to reach into other peoples lives and tell their unique story. Having this business is not one bit about me, it is about showing others the love and grace that God has for all His children. I feel so blessed to have this job and I just want to thank every. single. one. of. you. for joining me in this journey and supporting me through it all. For all my clients who have put their trust in me to document their unique stories…thank you, thank you, thank you. Without all of you, I would still be photographing things like grass, trees, sunny skies, and my shoes.
So now for the exciting news…Oh man, you guys have no idea how bad I have wanted to tell somebody, ANYBODY. The planning process of this started way back in October or November and has finally taken a turn into something that is a reality. God really challenged me with this opportunity. Out of fear I was literally finding EVERY excuse as to why I couldn’t and wouldn’t make this happen…Okay, so I’ll stop torturing you all…
Yup, you read correct…Africa. I have been given an AMAZING opportunity to go to Gabon, Africa for the month of June on a special missions trip through Envision Culture. I say “special” because I have been lucky enough to work closely with the organization to create a specific mission trip catered to my photography. I will be working closely with Hope House, creating images that will raise awareness about their needs. An outreach of Alliance churches in Gabon, Hope House is a safety net for young people whose parents are disabled, missing, or dead, and whose extended family members can’t be found or are unable to help. I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to love these people, help them, pray for them, and of course raise awareness about their situation. I will also be working closely with Bongolo Hospital. At this hospital, thousands of people hear Jesus’ message of hope in their darkest hours, regardless of their religious background or ability to pay for treatment. Each year, the number of patients who place their trust in Christ continues to grow. In 2008 more than 1,700 patients received Jesus at Bongolo Hospital. Jesus is doing great things in Gabon and I am so excited to see just how He will use me while I am there.
So now that I got that off my chest (whew!)…this is where all of YOU come in. For my birthday this year I am wanting to do something a little different. This trip to Africa is going to cost me almost $1200 for the program alone and about $2200-$2500 for my flight. Soooo basically I need to either rob a bank or suck it up and ask for some help as a birthday present : )
So for my birthday I am asking that you help support me getting to Africa by donating $20.
It would take me just 60 people donating $20 each to raise the $1200. It would take about 170 people donating $20 each to cover the cost of my trip. I can’t help but feel weird about asking for money, but I know that this money is going toward something so much bigger than what we can see right now. A lot of stories are going to be told, lives are going to be saved, and more importantly God’s Word is going to be shared with so many people. I am so stinkin excited/nervous/anxious/happy/scared/and pretty much every emotion in the book about this trip.
If you are interested in joining me, you can make a check out to me or to The Christian and Missionary Alliance/Envision Office and designate my name either on the check or on a note enclosed with the check, or PAYPAL (send money to [email protected]), or you can send cash. Please send all mail to: P.O. Box 31745 Seattle, WA 98103
I fully understand that not everyone can give at this time and that is okay. One thing I do ask from everyone, whether you decide to give or not…is to PLEASE pray for me! I need this more than anything. These are my Prayer Requests:
1. That the Lord will use me as I long to make a contribution to His work.
2. That God will provide for my expenses.
3. That I will have safe travels and good health.
4. That I successfully use my gift of photography to share the stories of the people I meet.
Here is to another year of amazing changes and challenges. Another year to dreaming big and going hard for it. And of course…here is to another year of NOT coloring in the lines. I love you all : )
wow, what an incredible opportunity…this has been a dream of mine too. seeing yours come true gives me hope that I can make it happen one day as well…I’ll definitely be praying for you. you are going to LOVE it there! 🙂
what an amazing opportunity just to be able to go to Africa, but to use your passion to tell their story, WOW!! God will provide, He always does.
awesome awesome awesome. so proud of your and your faith and willingness to be changed and to change. God be with you
so rad.
What an amazing opportunity to use the gifts God gave you to bless others in Africa. We will be praying for all your prayer requests as you prepare for this life changing journey. Many blessings!
Wow! I’m so excited for you! I can’t wait to see what God does in your life and how you will be used! What a great oppurtunity to serve! Thanks for sharing…and Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! you have such a beautiful heart.
SO AWESOME!! I can’t wait to see how He’s going to use you- because get ready, He IS! (And of course we’ll all be praying for you!)
happy birthday! what a way to celebrate! I wish you all the best (and hope we can squeeze in another shoot before you go!) I hope you continue to blog your adventures – I can’t wait to see!
This is happening. I love you so much – happy birthday sissy!
it’s awesome to get out of the comfort bubble. I’m proud of ppl like you
I truly loved reading this blog post 🙂 Praise our Savior for all he is doing in your life…that is so exciting! I too traveled to Africa and it forever changed me. I am know that great things lie ahead for you! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this post…it blessed my day!
So Sick!!! Enjoy The Motherland! And Happy Birthday
Happy birthday homie! I am crazy proud of you, your kick ass work and your giving spirit 🙂 I will over look you being gone on my birthday just this once 😉
I know how excited/scared you’ve been about this I’m so happy for you and I know you’ll do greats things there. : )
Of course I will contribute! I am sooo happy for you. You are such a beautiful person and I am proud to have you as my niece. Best wishes as always sweetie. Love you. XOXOXOXOX
Happy Birthday!!! We are soooooo PROUD of you! Love Mom and Dad
[…] least 5-10 minutes to process all the overwhelming blessings God has brought my way. After I put my birthday post up informing everyone about my trip to Africa, within 24 hours people had already donated close to […]
Hi Tonya, we met briefly at WPPI, I love following your work! I’m so excited for you! I recently asked God for something similar…something where I could use my gifts to give back…and He provided in a huge way just like He did for you! I’m headed to North Africa for most of April (it’s a closed country, so I can’t say exactly where to protect the missionaries over there) but I’ll be there with my camera too. I know I’ve been feeling a bit of anxiety over the enormity of the trip, but I know that God will be with us both. I’m excited to see Him using those of us in the photo industry for such amazing things! 🙂
[…] list this morning. There are so many things I need to get done before I leave to Africa in 11 days….AHHHH!!! I can’t believe it’s already here…SO, big thank you so […]