This is another one of my personal shoots that I did simply for fun. Ashley was great to work with and is a natural beauty. I wanted her look to be minimal and I’m pretty happy with the results. I always say this, but I wouldn’t say it again if I didn’t think it was true. But we all need to step away sometimes and do things that really inspire us and give us motivation. Whether you’re an artist or not, everyone needs a break from their routine to do something they love. This life is too short not to. I put together a small team and we just went out and shot for the heck of it. No matter how busy I get, I want to remember to always take time out of my schedule to plan personal projects. It’s so important. So if you happen to be feeling a little stuck in routine, just stop. Yea, thats right…STOP. Go outside, walk around, eat some ice cream, create some art, sing at the top of your lungs, dance in the rain…since this is Seattle and all. Anyways, you get the point : )
Enjoy this life people.
Happy Tuesday.
A favorite of many.
Ashley is truly a natural beauty.
Probably one of my favorites. I love what I feel when I look at this image.
Another fav.
I’m in love with the tones of this photo.
Model: Ashley Brown
Make-Up: Heather Baker
Photographer: Tonhya Kae Photography
Wow, just beautiful! Yay for shoots just for fun. Totally love it!
Simply beautiful. Both to the pictures and the model. I hope she does model because I can see her going places! =]
um, wow…this shoot is ENCHANTING. Not just gorgeous or beautiful…there’s something truly captivating and indulgent about the simplicity, location, model.
Holy smoke she’s beautiful!!!!! STUNNING PHOTOS girl!!!!!!!!! Totally agree about doing shoots for fun!!!! It’s a must!!!!!! xoxo!
love. such soft and pretty tones.:)
She is SOO prettyy 🙂 love love!
HOLY freaking gorgeous!! Ughhh…I get goosebumps looking at these! I am blown away girl!
LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Seriously Amazing!!! 🙂
Tonhya!!! This is sooooooooooo amazing! I love everything about it!!! I feel like these could be ads for Anthropologie!!! Love love love love this shoot 🙂 you are amazing!
Oh my goodness these are SO breathtaking! And Ashley is stunning! Amazing work : )
Hey. just wanna tell u that u do an awsome job! These pictures are amazing. I just love your style. Congrats.
If i wasn’t that far from u i would have asked u to do some portraits of me but I live in Québec . haha!
Can i ask u what kind of camera u are using?
Thanks and congrats again. very good job.
wow! model’s, light, color… amazing. Great 🙂
Nice! Ashley is awesome to work with.
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